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Meditation With a Mantra

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Meditation is a technique used to help you go back to the calmness, goodness, quietness and balance that is already in you. 

Mantra is an instrument of the mind, a powerful sound that helps go into a deep state of meditation.

Introduction to Meditation

This is a session to give you a general overview of meditation, which includes preparation, when and how to meditate. This session is approximately 60-90 minutes.

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Primordial Sound Meditation Course

Session 1: Introduction to Primordial Sound Meditation

Session 2: Receiving your Primordial Sound Mantra – Your Mantra Ceremony

Session 3: Perfecting Your Practice of Meditation

Session 4: An Exploration of Higher States of Consciousness - These sessions are approximately 60-90 minutes and you will receive a certificate of completion.

Becoming One Naturally, LLC

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This meditation technique is not a substitute for medical treatment. Always seek advice of a qualified health provider. Individual results vary. 

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